Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kam-Kam's Checklist

Kam-Kam stands in his bedroom figuring out what to do about the different types of wedgies he hasn't given yet. The Checklist does not lie.

Kam-Kam Got Claws

                          Kam-Kam is showing off his new claws. Beware the Tiger!

Dream Team

Meet the newest "Heroes of the Universe" Kam-Kam and Sunset Shimmer! Bringing fun to your boring day and Striking Evil, day and night, they are the Dream Team!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Joey in Training Part 2

Joeys is very proud of his training progress so far, but he still has a lot to learn. To do so, Kam-Kam takes him to the forest Colosseum to train with Dave Zoom in the art of Swordsman ship. Together they engage in a battle that could go on for hours.